Thursday, October 22, 2009

questionnaire 002

Do you like toast?

What kind of toast do you like?

Did you always know that you would be a writer/poet or artist?

Do you remember any clues in retrospect that brought you here? Describe them.

What is your favorite time of day?

Are you haunted by anything?

Is one time of day more productive for you?

What would you do if you were not a writer or a poet?

If you were not human what would you be?

Can you come up with one word that would bridge poetry-writing-art?

What do you collect?

How is your collection displayed?

Have you had past lives? If yes describe them.

Who can you talk to about writing?

What do you spend most of your time looking at?

What environments are good sources for your inspiration?

What do you do when inspirations come to you?

What kind of activity spurs inspiration?

What would you like to spend time looking at?

What is your definition of the word vacation?

What do you do on your vacation that you would like to be doing now?

What are your favorite subjects?

Are there any subjects that you would like to explore that you have not yet explored?

If you could live anywhere where would that be?

Do you know where you want your finished work to live?

How do you place value on what you write?

What is enough?

What is your favorite gift that you ever gave?

Do you have a favorite meal? Describe it.

What does the word create mean to you?

What are some of the primary feelings you get from your art making practice?

If today were your last day in this life what would you be sure to do?

What question would you include on this questionnaire that we have not included?

*This questionnaire is from a poetry workshop I took with Truong Tran. Some of the questions revealed things that surprised me (and still do?). Be honest. Have fun.

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